Wednesday, February 29, 2012

A Papal Liturgy, the Way it Should Be...

The fact that we,..the post 'spirit of vatican II' people of God/Gaia still have a pope is one thing.  I mean, he or even 'She' should at least be democratically elected by the people.  By the way not just Catholics,.but people of every religious tradition should help elect our pope,.(or popessa) !  Anywhoo,..I came across this wonderful liturgy which indeed truly shows what we the people want!

Its only 'snippets' of it,..but I think the message is quite clear!

toodle ouuuu!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Well,..this my my first attempt to dialogue with you 'persons.'  In dialoging we attempt to encounter a most special person in the idea to Jesus who liberates the women from the shackles of patriarchal'ness.'  We will engage our collective consciousness to make sure that the divine truly understands that we make 'him/her' in our image,..not the reverse which has been tradionally presented to by the pre conciliar mindet....

That being said,..I want to thank Bishop Smirtk for broadening my mindset, truly an inspiration!